Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I Just Bought...

Sweeney Todd! Yay! Just in case I haven't said this enough- I LOVE THIS MOVIE!! It is such a beautiful, dark, and yet funny, tragedy. Now that I own it I can't wait to get some of my friends (most of whom don't normally watch rated R movies) to watch it with me. MWAH HA HA HA HA!!! (Yes, Casandra, that means you!)


Trent and Cas said...

how many times have you watched it so far?!!? crazy!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you found my blog! I am going to put a link to yours on mine, if that's ok! Then we can keep in touch!

Tecia said...

I have seen the old one when it came out on TV just recently, I am sure the new one is way better. Depp is in it, it has to be! Hope you are doing well.