Wednesday, June 20, 2007


There are many ways that teachers can use videos in their classroom. I think that first and foremost television is a way to keep students engaged in a class. The CPB article states that “since viewers have limited control of the flow of information, comprehension is importantly linked to their ability to stay engaged with the medium;” using television is a simple way to achieve this. I think that one major issue for students is that they are so visually stimulated outside of school with television, the internet, video games, etc… that when they go to school and sit in a class staring at a teacher they just have a hard time paying attention, a hard time staying interested. In a society whose children watch more and more television every day, what better way to keep them engaged than using a medium that we already know they respond to?
Not only can teachers use television to help engage students, but they can also use it to stimulate class discussion, reinforce reading and lectures, provide a common base of knowledge for all students, and help teach them more effectively. It can spark interest or inspiration, demonstrate something that could not be demonstrated any other way, enrich curriculum content, help practice a skill, and reinforce or review a topic. Television is a fairly simple way to accomplish a lot of things in a classroom, I just think that it is unfortunate that TV in schools has such a bad reputation.

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