Friday, June 1, 2007


The examples of the Integrated Final Projects are examples of the TEAMS units in action. The final projects integrate technology into the classroom, combine the four content areas, and use active learning assignments to engage students. The one deviation I found from the TEAMS instructional units that I found was that some of the units didn't seem to be very focused around one of the global themes of transitions, caring, identities, and conflict resolution. I think that there were fairly loose connections on the ones that I looked at, like "Changes" (transitions,) and "Healthy Lifestyles" (caring?) for example, but these lesson plans did make me wonder how big of a role the global themes should play in writing TEAMS unit plans.

I think that making and using lesson plans like this would take a little extra time, but I definitely think that it would be worth it. I think that cross-curricular lessons help students make learning more relevant for students; they can see how their learning connects to other things, that it is not only important in its respective classroom environment. Also, like we have talked about in class- using technology is a great way to engage students. I think that these two things show how TEAMS modeled curriculum can greatly enhance learning.

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