Sunday, August 17, 2008


This is going to sound ridiculous, ok, well, it is ridiculous, but I am soo freaking angry that they moved the release of the Harry Potter movie back eight months!! Well, maybe not angry so much as sad. Which is really ridiculous, because I don't even really love the movies. They are fine, and they still have the Harry Potter spirit, but they aren't nearly as good as the books. And yet still, I am upset. I was so looking forward to November Harry Potter Craftathon (haha, only Mel would understand) and now I have to wait for next July!

The other thing that sucks about it is that they moved the opening right after they released the trailer and new pictures. Just as I started to get more excited, they pull the rug out from under my feet. Those bastards.


Tecia said...

Derrek was mad about it too because I told him we would go to that for our next date night, now he has to wait that long for a date!:)

Trent and Cas said...

lol. at least now i have 8 more months to read them all, wahoo me!
p.s. did you hear that they moved up the release date for the twilight movie?!? 3 weeks earlier. ;)

GSK said...

Garrett is also angry. Me however? Not so much :) So when are you going to come and visit us again?

Crystal said...

meggy pooh! I just discovered your blog, take a gander at mine too!

Colston Family said...

that is husband is a big fan i am sure he will be upset too. hehe feel free to add me to your list.
liz colston