Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Quick venting session

I just had two of my grades posted for this last semester and I am a little bitter about one of them. The class was Introduction to Literary Forms, a requirement for all English majors and minors, and was essentially a repeat of AP English. I missed this class a lot, I know, but I hate Hate HATE when attendance plays such a crucial part in the grade. I know that attendance is important in many classes, but this class was absurd. Most of the poems and short stories that were discussed in class were poems and short stories that we worked on in AP English. I understood them when I was 17, I still understand them now. It was absurd to go into this ridiculous class everyday and have the same discussions on the material that I did in a high school class. I did well on the papers and I think on the final, and yet because of absences, my grade was lower than I felt deserved. The point of class is to teach an understanding of the material- if I understand the material, then I don't see why I am to be punished for missing class. I am in college now and paying for these classes; the responsibilty to attend them is my own. I don't need a babysitter to make sure that I am in class everyday and in a way I feel that this was all that the teacher was.


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