Saturday, June 2, 2007


The first function of teacher questioning is assessment of current understanding. Asking good questions can find out what students know, what they don't know, how they think about a topic, and any misconceptions they have. I think that technology works very well in accomplishing this function. This blog that we have to do is a great example- our use of technology is a great way for Jared to see where we are and what we are thinking and any problems or misunderstandings we might be having.

The next function of teacher questioning is increasing student motivation. Effective questions engages students, challenges their thinking, And poses problems for them to consider. Technology works wonders in doing these things, as we've discussed extensively in class. Technology is a relevant and important part of the daily lives of students and incorporating it in the classroom can greatly enhance student motivation.

The third function is guiding new learning. This instructional element of questioning emphasizes how questions help students "interrelate new ideas and integrate new learning with thier current understanding." Once again, technology is just as effecient in this function as purposeful questioning. TEAMS models would be a great example; technology is used to integrate the various content areas to enhance learning and to make the learning relevant to students. Technology functions even better in this area by providing increased motivation and extensive resources to encourage further learning and to provide the resources to achieve this.

Overall I think that technology can function in the ways that questioning does, but that it is necessary for the two to go hand in hand. In my opinion you can't disregard technology and use only questioning, but you can't replace questioning with technology. Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses in the classroom and by using both you can enhance both teaching and learning.

1 comment:

Chemaris said...

It is interesting on how both lecture and technology go hand in hand and I completely agree that one should not take over the other but work together to get more out of the education process.